I can't believe it's almost August! I am sorry I have been missing in action lately. June and July have been very busy months for me. I went home to Houston, TX to visit family and celebrate the birth of my niece. My sister,
Vanessa, had her second baby on June 30th. A beautiful baby girl, Sloane Sidney Walton. I also took a mini vacation to upstate New York for my best friend's family reunion. And in between all of this I started painting my kitchen cabinets, refurbishing a large club chair, sewing bench cushions and sewing a roman shade. Not to mention this crazy heat wave New York and New Jersey have been experiencing with temperatures in the high 90's. Which for a Texas girl shouldn't seem bad, but walking around in this weather is exhausting!
So don't forget about me pretty please! Because what all this chaos means is new furniture pieces to show you and more blog posting! Check back for my obsession of the week: a new glaze technique, pictures of my new kitchen cabinets, the refurbished club chair and much more!